What to Expect from the CII’s R06 Exam
Last updated on October 30th, 2020 at 1:03 am
If you’re planning to sit the CII’s R06 exam in the near future, here are some tips and key things to look out for in the exam.
The Exam Structure
R06 is a 3-hour exam; the nominal pass mark is 55%. You do not have to pass all the questions to achieve an overall pass; you have to gain enough marks in total.
Style of Questions
Studying the CII exam guides and our past analyses will give you a feel for the style of questions that are likely to be asked. Typical questions will include fact-finding questions such as ‘what further information would you require to advise the client on the suitability of their current investments’; adviser questions for example ‘what factors should a financial adviser consider when reviewing the client’s pension arrangements’ plus the analysis of products and technical questions, which are usually worded as ‘explain why’, ‘comment on’, ‘state the advantages and disadvantages of’ or ‘recommend and justify’.
It is vitally important that you read each question carefully and ensure you are answering the question that is actually being asked and not the question you are hoping was going to be asked. Most people who fail R06 only miss the pass by a few marks and this can make all the difference.
Also, be prepared for curveball questions. The CII likes to throw in a question or two that is seemingly unrelated to the client’s aims, so try not to be thrown by this; instead, draw on your knowledge and experience of what is being asked. Remember the exam is positively marked, so write as many bullet points as you can, even if you are not sure if your answer is correct, as long as it doesn’t conflict with your other points, you won’t lose marks.
Answer Technique
Look at the number of marks available, as this should give you a feel for how much time to spend on each answer. There are a total of 150 marks in 180 minutes so allowing a minute a mark is a good guide and will also allow for some time to check back over your work at the end.
Always try to put down more answers than marks.
Use bullet points to maximise the number of points you can put down within the time and leave space between answers so you can go back and add anything later.
Look at the model answers in the CII exam guides to understand what the examiners are looking for in their answers.
#CII #R06Exam Tip: Look at the number of marks available, as this should give you a feel for how much time to spend on each answer. Share on X
Case Study Analysis
Many candidates purchase a case study analysis to help them interpret the exam case studies. The analysis will help you prepare for your exam, but you will still need to ensure your knowledge is up to speed, especially in the subject areas covered in the case studies.
Brand Financial Training Case Study Analysis
We have been writing R06 analyses for many years, and we have a proven track record of helping people to pass the exam.
Our detailed analysis of the case studies includes: the types of questions we think may be asked in the exam with model answers, exam technique, past paper analysis, and generic questions including product areas and technical knowledge.
Grab the resources you need!
If you’re studying for your CII R06 exam, and you’re wanting to feel more confident on exam day, grab our free taster analysis to try out one of Brand Financial Training’s resources for yourself. Click the link to download the R06 case study analysis taster now!