CII CF1 Exam: UK Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics
The CII’s CF1 exam lays the foundation for many of the Certificate qualifications. It is a 2-hour multiple choice question paper consisting of 100 questions, with a nominal pass mark of 70%.
The exam syllabus covers the purpose and structure of the UK financial services industry; the different asset classes and product types; the advice-giving process and areas covered; ethics; regulatory processes; various rules and legislation governing the UK financial services industry; regulator’s powers and responsibilities; and impact on individuals and firms of these regulators’ powers.
Our learning resources
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You want essential CF1 mock exam questions practice in an online setting. Drawing from our question bank, our CF1 E-Mocks allow you to log on and take short quizzes of 10, 30, or 100 questions, or practise with a fully timed mock exam, all with a detailed explanation of the correct answers and cross-references to the CII CF1 study text.
This is for you if …
You want essential CF1 mock exam questions practice but you like to print out and sit mock papers with pen and paper. You will receive 3 full sets of 100 questions and answers in PDF format for you to print yourself, plus cross-references to the CII CF1 study text. Note: these questions are included in our CF1 Online E-Mocks