Friday Five Focus on Protection – 22 September – 5 Questions in 5 Minutes

Friday Five Focus on Protection – 5 Questions in 5 Minutes Every Friday
What’s this all about?
Each week, we ask questions relating to one of these topics: Investments, Taxation, Pensions, Protection, or Regulation. This week, our Friday Five is relevant to Protection; this is useful as you prepare for the CII’s R05 exam. The challenge is for you to answer them in 5 minutes. Answers at the bottom of the page.
IMPORTANT! These questions relate to examinable tax year 2023/24, examinable by the CII until 31 August 2024.
- Which of the following is true in relation to critical illness premiums?
- Premiums are more expensive for women.
- Premiums are based on mortality statistics.
- Reviewable premiums are dependent on the health of the insured.
- Guaranteed premiums tend to be higher than reviewable premiums.
- With regard to mortgage payment protection insurance, which of the following statements is FALSE?
- The cover is tied to the mortgage being taken out.
- The deferred period is often between 30 and 180 days.
- MPPI is easy to buy because there is usually limited underwriting.
- MPPI covers unemployment, as well as sickness and accident.
- The improvements in mortality rates over the last 30 years has led to more aggressive underwriting processes which result in more lives being
- rated.
- declined.
- accepted at lower rates.
- accepted at normal rates.
- Colin, aged 75, has income in 2023/24 from his basic State pension and savings. In addition to his age, entitlement to the savings credit element of the State pension credit will be determined by Colin’s
- level of income.
- state of health.
- employment status.
- National Insurance contribution record.
- Private medical insurance is primarily aimed at which of the following conditions?
- Acute.
- Infectious.
- Chronic.
- Life-threatening.
- D – See R05 Study Text, Chp 7
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R05. Click here to download.
- A – See R05 Study Text, Chp 9
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R05. Click here to download.
- A – See R05 Study Text, Chp 1
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R05. Click here to download.
- A – See R05 Study Text, Chp 3
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R05 Click here to download.
- A – See R05 Study Text, Chp 9
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R05. Click here to download.
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