Brand Bitesize: Protection – Recommend and Justify Style Questions
To help you prepare for your CII AF5 or R06 exam, this Brand Bitesize video explains how to approach a recommend-and-justify-style question on the topic of Protection.
This video is correct as at 10 December 2024.
Recommend and justify questions appear in all R06 and AF5 exams, usually more than once. Here the examiner is looking for you to make a decision: to recommend a particular product based on the information that you have been given on your client, and give reasons for your choice. Each reason should be linked back to your client. In this bite-sized video, we take a look at an example question and what you could consider writing in your answer.
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Check out this short, informative video - it's Brand Bitesize, and this one's all about 'Protection - Recommend and Justify Style Questions' – useful for #CII AF5 and R06 exam revision. Share on X
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If you’re studying for your CII R06 exam and aiming for a comfortable pass, you need to get all the practice you can. Grab our free taster to try out one of Brand Financial Training’s resources for yourself. Click the link to download the R06 analysis taster now!