CII R05: Study Kit
Our best value study kit
If you’re looking for more variety in your R05 study materials and wish to save money compared to buying individual resources, you can make use of our R05 study kit.
Valid for examinations from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025
How will the R05 Study Kit help me to pass?
Our R05 study kit offers two of our popular resources to help maximise your chances of passing the R05 exam. These will help you build your knowledge, retain information, and ensure you can apply your knowledge in an exam setting exactly as needed and in a timely manner.
For R05, it is essential that you practise as many exam questions as possible and that you focus on the key requirements of the learning outcomes. Our R05 study kit includes E-Mocks and revision notes to ensure you get the vital practice you need and are fully prepared for exam day.