Last updated on January 20th, 2020 at 9:20 am
Written by Lysette Offley
Remember learning a poem parrot-fashion at school?
You probably put all your attention on the first line to start with.
Then when you’d got the hang of that, you’ll have moved on to the next line and learnt that thoroughly.
Hopefully then you’ll have put the two together and made sure you could recite them both.
Only then will you have moved on to the third line and learnt that in isolation, before adding it to the first two?
I hope so, because people who split up long passages of information, learn more quickly than those who don’t have a methodical strategy.
So when you’re revising for your financial services exams, divide everything that you’ve got to learn into small enough chunks to make anything really easy to learn.
What’s more, do the same with your revision time. The brain works most efficiently when studying in short bursts of time.
You know what it’s like when you’ve been studying for too long… You get sleepy, inattentive, forgetful…
Don’t waste your time. Keep it short.
Short chunks of information and short bursts of time.