November 15, 2022
Value Added Tax Explained
Value added tax, generally known as VAT, is levied on the majority of goods and services supplied by UK...
October 25, 2022
Inheritance Tax and Exempt Transfers
For inheritance tax (IHT) purposes, gifts fall into one of three categories: exempt transfers, potentially exempt transfers (PETs), and...
August 2, 2022
Learning about Flexible Reversionary Trusts
A flexible reversionary trust (FRT) enables a settlor to give money away, with the option to take some or...
July 5, 2022
Understanding Loan Trusts
Loan trust schemes give investors access to their original investment whilst achieving a long-term inheritance tax benefit. Loan trusts...
June 14, 2022
What is a deed of variation?
Recently we have had a couple of queries on how a deed of variation works. These can be tested...
June 14, 2022
Brand Bitesize: Tapered Annual Allowance
Are you a visual learner who is studying toward the CII's AF1, AF5, AF7, J05, R04 or R06 exams?...
May 24, 2022
What is an Individual Voluntary Arrangement?
With reports that cases of bankruptcy are set to increase in 2022, we thought we would look at an...
May 17, 2022
How to Differentiate Between EIS, VCT, and SEIS
In this article, we look at Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS), Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) and Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes...
May 10, 2022
Brand Bitesize: Quick Succession Relief
Watch this short, informative video that explains Quick Succession Relief. This Brand Bitesize video is perfect for your CII...