The CII J07 February 2022 Exam in Review
Here, we are looking at the J07 exam – Supervision in a regulated environment – that was sat in the last exam sitting, February 2022.
You can find the exam guide here.
J07 is a 2-hour exam which uses short-answer questions. The total marks available are 130 and in February the following areas were tested (with the marks available in brackets):
- The ways in which a supervisor can have an impact on staff development. (4)
- Direct and indirect supervision – explain and provide examples. (4)
- Key characteristics of some of the habits of highly effective people, as identified by Stephen Covey. (8)
- The types of management intervention, providing an example for each type. (12)
- The criteria that must be met for a customer complaint to be resolved informally. (3)
- The timescales within which the FOS will consider a customer complaint. (4)
The #CII #J07 syllabus is wide, with a great level of detail required to gain a pass. Here is a review of the last exam paper. Share on X
- Description of the competency-based interview process and its benefits. (7)
- Key information that should be included in a reference from a current employer. (8)
- The pros and cons of using external exams to validate knowledge. (8)
- Learning activities that might appeal to a pragmatist as identified by the Honey and Mumford questionnaire and those likely to be least appealing. (8)
- Key stages of the GROW model, with examples. (12)
- The rights individuals have in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR. (12)
- Key Performance Indicators used to monitor performance of financial advisers. (10)
- Common types of performance-related pay/performance management process. (8)
- Types of management information supervisors use to manage financial advisers. (5)
- Purpose of ISO 9000 and the key areas covered. (12)
- The benefits of effective communication within a financial services business. (5)
Overall, this paper tested the usual blend of knowledge and application of knowledge. Using a number of the past exam papers to help with preparation, should have helped candidates prepare well.
Comparison with the October 2021 Exam Paper
Let’s look at what was tested in the previous exam, held in October 2021, which can be found here.
The topics covered were:
- Pension administration and the areas of competence of overseer manager. (7)
- Roles of the ‘six thinking hats’ in the De Bono model. (12)
- Barriers to communication and recommendations to deal with them (6)
- Application of the Thomas Kilman model to scenarios (14)
- Key factors used by HMRC to assess employed and self-employed status (10)
- Training needs of advisers and requirements of SPS (8)
- Advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job observation (8)
- Skills needed for effective counselling (7)
- Key requirements of the role of supervisor (8)
- Regulatory disclosure when advising a new client (9)
- The management control cycle and its purpose (7)
- Stages of competency-based development and talent management (7)
- Treating Customers Fairly outcomes (6)
- ‘Investors in people’ accreditation process and examples of benefits for staff (12)
- Equal Opportunities Act 2010 (9)
As you can see, the range of topics did not overlap with the last two exam sittings but both sets of lists do highlight the themes that are generally tested which should help with future students’ preparation.
Grab the resources you need!
If you’re studying for your CII J07 exam, and you want to be fully prepared, grab our free taster to try out one of Brand Financial Training’s resources for yourself. Click the link to download the J07 mock paper taster now!