How to Make Yourself Study When You Just Don’t Feel Like It
Last updated on December 11th, 2024 at 4:47 am
Muhammad Ali liked to say he went to the gym when he felt like it. AND when he didn’t. The reality is we all have days when we simply do not feel like doing whatever we need to do. That gym class. Cooking dinner. Going to work. Studying … Learn some strategies you can use when study is the last thing you want to do.
This article is correct as at 10 October 2023.
You need to fight that feeling of ‘I don’t want to today’, not least when there are exams or other deadlines looming. Often, you may not have the luxury of telling yourself ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’.
The good news is that there are many things you can do to rediscover your revision mojo. Here are some of our favourites.
Change your view
If you’ve been stuck at the same desk forever, no wonder you’re flagging! A change of scene can ignite your brain, whether you take a break and return to the grindstone refreshed or take your laptop out and about with you.
If you’re fortunate enough to live on the coast, find a beachside café. If not, a park bench could do just as well. Fresh air is an instant mood booster, and there’s no shortage of evidence of its health benefits.
With spring appearing to be on its way at last, getting outside should become easier. But if that’s not possible, think about basing yourself in a library or coffee shop.
Even if there are people around you, sometimes it can be easier to focus on your notes amid the hubbub of a café than if you’re stuck at home staring at the same four walls, acutely aware that there’s a pile of dishes beside the sink requiring your attention …
You could also try varying the time of day when you escape from your desk if you prefer a less rigid approach to scheduling.
Ever have one of those days when you just don't feel like studying, but you know you have to? These strategies might help. Share on X
Reap your own rewards
Could it be time for some shameless self-bribery? Consider promising yourself a small reward, such as a piece of chocolate or a few sweets, or a healthier handful of nuts or a piece of fruit.
Or perhaps you’re desperate to catch up on a much anticipated episode of a series you’re watching on Netflix – now there’s an incentive!
Crucially, though, you’re only allowed to enjoy the treat once you finish a task, whether that’s reading a chapter, writing a paragraph of notes or getting your head around a specific topic.
Find a study buddy
Is there someone you could work with? You could meet for coffee and go over subjects, helping each other understand if one of you hasn’t quite grasped something. While a break and a chat are sometimes enough to help you return to grafting refreshed, be clear you’re meeting to work, and keep the conversation focused.
Try something new
How about listening to a podcast, working on a past paper or writing out all your knowledge on a subject if you’re used to just reading? If you’re feeling creative (and brave!), try putting points into a rap – it doesn’t have to be for public consumption. Devise acronyms or rhymes; make a map or a poster. It could be just what you need to get back on track.
Follow the two-minute rule
This approach to studying makes getting started so easy you can’t stop! Referenced by James Clear in ‘Atomic Habits’, it is based on the principle of committing yourself to completing just two minutes of a task.
While not every goal can be completed in two minutes or less, once you’ve started, it’s harder to stop. So commit to doing a two-minute task such as writing a sentence or reading a page. The rule is all about taking action … and then letting things flow from there.
Motivating yourself to revise, especially if you have a significant amount of material to cover for an exam, can require an almost superhuman effort.
However, while we sympathise with you wholeheartedly if you’re not feeling like studying, and indeed have experienced it ourselves, there is no substitute for sheer willpower.
Sit down and plan your study schedule right away, then stick to it. If you take positive action now, you will suddenly feel you are making headway with your revision. And that’s a good feeling!