Friday Five Focus on Taxation – 13 November – 5 Questions in 5 Minutes

Friday Five Focus on Taxation – 5 Questions in 5 Minutes Every Friday
What’s this all about?
Each week, we ask questions relating to one of these topics: Investments, Taxation, Pensions, Protection, or Regulation. This week, our Friday Five is relevant to Taxation; this is useful as you prepare for the CII’s R03 or AF1 exams. The challenge is for you to answer them in 5 minutes. Answers at the bottom of the page.
IMPORTANT! These questions relate to examinable tax year 2020/21, examinable by the CII until 31 August 2021.
- Hannah has just started a hairdressing business with anticipated earnings for the first year of £5,000. What is her position in relation to national insurance contributions?
- She must apply to NICO for a certificate of exemption from class 2 NICs.
- She must advise NICO that her earnings are expected to be below the small profits threshold.
- She must decide for herself whether to pay Class 2 contributions assuming her actual earnings stay below £6,475.
- She must pay the Class 4 weekly flat rate of £3.05.
- A financial adviser has been asked to explain the potential capital gains tax (CGT) liabilities of the trustees regarding the assets of an interest in possession trust. She will explain that: Tick all that apply.
- for those created after the 22nd March 2006, there is generally no CGT uplift on the death of the life tenant.
- the trust will benefit from a standard rate band of £1,000 to offset against gains.
- for those created before 22nd March 2006, the trust assets are valued at the date of death of the life tenant.
- most gains realised by trustees are charged at the rate of 20%.
- Miriam has worked in the same company for 15 years and has recently been asked by them to relocate to London to take up a new role. They have offered to reimburse relocation and removal expenses of £10,000. How will Miriam be taxed on this payment?
- £2,000 will be tax-free and £8,000 will be taxable
- £8,000 will be tax-free and £2,000 will be taxable
- £5,000 will be tax-free and £5,000 will be taxable
- The whole £10,000 will be tax-free
- Bernard made a £14,000 loss on a disposal in this tax year; whereas his wife Betty made a substantial gain. Which of the following is he permitted to do?
- Carry the loss forward to use in future years with an adjustment for inflation
- Carry the loss forward to use against future gains using only enough to reduce future gains to the annual exempt amount
- Offset his loss against the gain Betty has made in the same tax year
- Offset the loss up to the annual exempt amount against Betty’s gain and carry forward the surplus to use in future years
- Paul and Sarah, both age 38, are married with two children aged 15 and 17. What is the total amount they can pay into ISAs in 2020/21?
- £40,000
- £60,000
- £78,000
- £80,000
- C – See R03 Study Text, Chp 2
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R03. Click here to download.
- ACD – See R03 Study Text, Chp 3
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R03. Click here to download.
- B – See R03 Study Text, Chp 1
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R03. Click here to download.
- B – See R03 Study Text, Chp 3
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R03 Click here to download.
- C – See R03 Study Text, Chp 10
Grab our taster mock exam paper for CII R03. Click here to download.
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