Familiarity Tests for a Better On-Screen Exam Experience
Last updated on February 23rd, 2021 at 2:19 pm
Many of you will have heard of or experienced first-hand problems with the CII remote written exams. If this has not put you off, and you are planning to take the exams on-screen again, we wanted to share with you some feedback we have received from the CII with regard to the exams and their new on-line systems.
Many candidates experienced issues getting into the exam, but the CII has stated that they did allow for delays logging in, and candidates did not lose any of their exam duration if they started late.
Also, should you get thrown out of the system during the exam, the CII state that the time stops and will restart at the same point when you re-enter so, again, you will not lose any time.
Familiarity tests…
The CII will send you links to a practice test about a week before your exam. These showcase the exam software, including the online calculator (which many of you struggled with), so do take a good look and familiarise yourself with the system and tools before the exam:
Screen layout…
Many candidates found the screen layout difficult as the typing section was very restrictive. The CII has been working with PSI, the exam software provider, to see what can be done to improve the split-screen layout.
Exam centres remain open so hopefully, if social distancing rules continue to allow, you should be able to take your exams in a local exam centre although they will be an on-screen exam and not a written exam. Do keep an eye on the CII website for information as the situation is constantly changing.