CII AF5: Fact-Find Analysis
AF5 Full Fact-Find Analysis with Email Support for the 16 September 2025 exam available to pre-order today with discount!
Our full detailed analysis of the fact-find issued by the CII before the AF5 exam is written by our team who have been writing analyses since 2010 – we are the experts!
- This is for you if… you need expert help as you prepare for the forthcoming AF5 exam.
- Free taster analysis available
- Full fact-find analysis released 5 calendar days after the CII releases the fact-find
- We get to the point – no unnecessary padding
- Types of questions and examiner’s comments
- Exam technique
- Past paper analysis
- Generic areas
- Potential immediate and longer-term objectives
- Likely questions based on assumed objectives
- Email support for 1 working day before the exam (9 am – 5 pm)
- Q&A from Email Support Day emailed to you within 48 hours
- Access to the full analysis from a previous exam sitting (this is also available as our taster analysis)
- Access to our free exam preparation video (also available to those who purchase or request a taster for an AF5 product)
- Download instantly in PDF format and print as required
- Comes with our analysis guarantee*
* Please refer to our fair usage policy.
FREE AF5 Exam Preparation Video
What is it?
Access to our AF5 exam preparation video prior to the release of the fact-find by the CII. This helps you to prepare for the AF5 exam.
When is it released?
It is available for viewing now. You will receive an email with the link.
Why should you watch the video?
To help you:
- Understand the structure of the AF5 exam
- Learn how to tackle revision both before and after the release of the fact-find
- Know how to interpret the AF5 exam questions
- Better understand what the CII examiners are looking for in your answers
- Gain quick wins for maximising your marks.
Sign up for one of our AF5 taster resources or make a purchase of one of our quality AF5 resources to gain access.
AF5 PDF Fact-Find Analysis from an earlier exam sitting for free!
Why not try before you buy? Simply enter your name and email address below to receive your free PDF taster fact-find analysis from an earlier exam sitting. You will also receive our free newsletter.
All those who sign up for one of our AF5 taster resources or purchase one of our AF5 resources will gain access to our free exam preparation video to help with your revision and preparation for the exam.
FREE AF5 Exam Preparation Video
What is it?
Access to our AF5 exam preparation video prior to the release of the fact-find by the CII. This helps you to prepare for the AF5 exam.
When is it released?
It is available for viewing now. You will receive an email with the link.
Why should you watch the video?
To help you:
- Understand the structure of the AF5 exam
- Learn how to tackle revision both before and after the release of the fact-find
- Know how to interpret the AF5 exam questions
- Better understand what the CII examiners are looking for in your answers
- Gain quick wins for maximising your marks.
Sign up for one of our AF5 taster resources or make a purchase of one of our quality AF5 resources to gain access.
AF5 Full Fact-Find Analysis with Email Support for the 16 September 2025 exam available to pre-order today with discount!
AF5 PDF Fact-Find Analysis with Email Support
FREE AF5 Exam Preparation Video
What is it?
Access to our AF5 exam preparation video prior to the release of the fact-find by the CII. This helps you to prepare for the AF5 exam.
When is it released?
It is available for viewing now. You will receive an email with the link.
Why should you watch the video?
To help you:
- Understand the structure of the AF5 exam
- Learn how to tackle revision both before and after the release of the fact-find
- Know how to interpret the AF5 exam questions
- Better understand what the CII examiners are looking for in your answers
- Gain quick wins for maximising your marks.
Sign up for one of our AF5 taster resources or make a purchase of one of our quality AF5 resources to gain access.
AF5 Email Support – how it works
When you purchase our AF5 fact-find analysis package, we will also provide 1 working day of email support scheduled during the few days before the exam. Full information including the support date and support email address will be emailed to you when you make your purchase.
Once the AF5 Email Support Day has concluded, within 48 hours, we will compile the useful questions posed by your peers and provide both questions and answers to you in a PDF document.
What is the purpose of the email support day?
The purpose of the email support day is to answer specific questions relating to the CII AF5 exam paper and our analysis of the fact-find.
Analysis exam guarantee
Whilst we are confident that the fact-find analysis will help you to pass your AF5 exam; if you don’t pass we will provide you with our analysis for the next exam sitting with a guaranteed 50% discount!*
* Please refer to our fair usage policy.
How will the AF5 PDF fact-find analysis with email support help me to pass?
Passing AF5 isn’t only about having the necessary knowledge and understanding, it’s about being able to apply that knowledge exactly as needed and in a timely manner.
It is essential that you have fully prepared for the AF5 exam and are ready to answer questions relating to the fact-find. If you go into the exam unprepared, you will lose vital time and marks. Our AF5 PDF fact-find analysis comes with an email support day in the lead-up to the exam and includes a Q&A document with the questions asked on the day, giving you even more ways to prepare as much as possible. The analysis covers the areas that you are likely to see in the exam; however, other questions may be asked, and we strongly advise you to think around other potential areas of questioning.
Why an ‘Analysis’ and not a ‘Solution’?
Some providers refer to their analysis of the AF5 fact-find as a ‘solution’. We decided not to call our analysis a ‘solution’ simply because it’s impossible to provide a solution when you don’t know what the exam questions are going to be – and no-one knows that until exam day!
We didn’t want to mislead and therefore we decided to call this resource an analysis – our experts tell you what they expect to come up in the exam based on their expert analysis of the fact-find. This analysis provides the likely questions and answers required based on the fact-find.